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Bagley Lure Color Identification "U-Z"

   If you know the color code you are looking for, click it's name in the left column for an example of the color. If you are searching for the color code visually, hover your mouse cursor over the photos on the main page and a color code with description will display. The bracket at the end of the description holds the numerical rating of each lure's rarity according to Johnny Garland's research. A "1" rating means lures in that color are easy to find, while a "10" means they are extremely hard to find. Please read the caution at bottom of the page!

Bagley 007 WBG (White/Black on Gold Foil)[?] Bagley 007 WBS (White/Black on Silver Foil)[9] Bagley Bang-O-Lure WS (Wild Shiner)[9] Bagley Small Fry Perch W4 (Walleye on White)[7] Bagley Submarine Shad XP (Finish Purple)[?] Bagley 007 YG (Yellow on Gold Foil)[9] Bagley 007 YS (Yellow on Silver Foil)[9] Bagley Rat Fink YHW (Yellow Head on Pearl White)[8] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 YP (Yellow Perch)[3] Bagley Top Gun YW (Yellow on White)[?] ZC4 (Dazzle Crayfish on Pearl)[5] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 ZC9 (Dazzle Crayfish on Chartreuse)[5] Bagley Rat Fink ZFGO (Dazzle Fire Glo Orange)[9] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 ZRHG (Dazzle Red Head on Gold)[8] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 ZRHW (Dazzle Red Head on White)[8] Bagley Killer B 2 Z04 (Dazzle Black on Pearl)[5] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 Z09 (Dazzle Black on Chartreuse)[4] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 Z64 (Dazzle Green on Pearl)[6] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 Z69 (Dazzle Green on Chartreuse)[5] Bagley Tall Walker Z74 (Dazzle Blue on White)[6] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 Z79 (Dazzle Blue on Chartreuse)[5] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 Z94 (Dazzle Chartreuse on White}[8

Bagley Lure Color Identification "0-9"

Bagley DB3 0 (Black)[3] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 00 (Solid Black)[7] Bagley Balsa B 2 0BR (Black on Brown)[6] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 0CW (Black/Crayfish on White)[7] Bagley DB2 0C3 (Black/Crayfish on Yellow)[10] Bagley DB2 0C4 (Black/Crayfish on White)[10] Bagley DB1 0FO (Black on Fire Orange)[5] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 0P (Black Back/Plum)[10] Bagley Bang-O-Lure 0R4 (Dace)[9] Bagley Small Fry Crayfish 0SG (Black/Silver Glitter)[7] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 0SS (Black on Silver {Splatter})[9] Bagley Balsa B 1 0TP (Black on Twilight Pink)[10] Bagley Small Fry Shad 0TGSH (Gray Shad/Black Tiger Stripes)[7] Bagley Balsa B 2 Wedgebill 0OB (Black/Orange Belly)[6] Bagley Diving Bang-O-B 0WB (Black with White Belly)[10] Bagley Bass'N Shad 01 (Black on Red)[10] Bagley Submarine Shad 01 (Black on Red)[?] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 04 (Black on White)[1] Bagley Diving Bang-O-B 04G (Black on Pearl Glitter)[7] Bagley DB3 049S (Splatter Back/Yellow Belly)[4] Bagley Chatter Shad 06BN (Black Back/Green Stipes on Bone)[8] Bagley Balsa B 2 069S (Black Back/Green on Chartreuse/Spatterback)[?] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 070 (Black on Blue/Black Belly)[9] Bagley Bang-O-Lure 072 (Black on Blue/Orange Belly)[9] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 074 (Black/Blue on White)[9] Bagley Select Line W4 074 (Black/Blue on White)[9] Bagley Killer B 2 09 (Black on Chartreuse)[1] Bagley Killer B 2 09 (Black on Chartreuse)[1] Bagley Bass'N Shad 1C (Red on Chrome)[8] Bagley Balsa Shiner 1G (Red on Gold Foil)[9] Bagley DB1 103 (Cohoe)[10] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 11 (Red on Red)[2] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 11T (Red on Red/Tiger Stripes)[3] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 114 (Black Stripes on Red)[4] Bagley DB3 115 (Yellow Stripes on Orange)[4] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 116 (Black Stripes on Green/Chartreuse)[4] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 117 (Blue Stripes on Green)[4] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 118 (Black Stripes on Orange)[4] Bagley DB3 119 (Orange Stripes on Yellow)[4] Bagley Bass'N Shad 19 (Red/Chartreuse)[7] Bagley Finger Mullet 14 (Red on White)[6] Bagley Deep Diving Bang-O-Lure 2 (Orange on Chartreuse)[7] Bagley Suspending Bang-O-Lure 2C (Orange on Chrome)[8] Bagley Small Fry Shad 214SS (Black Stipes on Orange/Salmon Snack)[7] Bagley Rat Fink 294 (Neon[7] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 4 (White)[2] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 4MB (Albino)[5] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 4MBF (Albino Firetail)[5] Bagley Killer B 2 4MR (Albino Red)[5] Bagley Killer B 2 4MRF (Albino Red Firetail)[5] Bagley Bass'N Shad 6C (Green on Chrome)[10] Bagley Killer B 3 6C4 (Green Crayfish on White)[2] Bagley DB3 6C9 (Green Crayfish on Chartreuse)[2] Bagley Small Fry Crayfish 6DC (Green Crayfish)[1] Bagley Balsa B 2 6F (Green Frog)[3] Bagley B Flat 6F4 (Frog on Pearl White)[9] Bagley B Flat 6F9 (Green Frog on Chartreuse)[9] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 6G (Green on Gold)[7] Bagley Spitin' Twitcher 6M4 (Green Mustard on White)[7] Bagley Small Fry Shad 6M4SF (Green Mustard Net/Silver Foil/White Belly)[7] Bagley Stinger 64SF0 (Green/Black Net/Silver Foil/White Belly)[7] Bagley Small Fry Shad 6S (Green on Silver)[6] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 64 (Green on White)[4] Bagley Submarine Shad 64F (Green on White)[?] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 69 (Green on Chartreuse)[4] Bagley Bang-O-Lure 69BD (Green on Chartreuse/Black Dots)[?] Bagley Bass'N Shad 7C (Blue on Chrome)[9] Bagley Suspending Diving Killer B 2 7C4 (Blue Crayfish on White)[7] Bagley DB3 7TGSH (Gray Shad/Blue Tiger Stripes)[7] Bagley Pinfish 702 (Blue Black Back/Orange Belly)[10] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 74 (Blue on White)[3] Bagley DB3 74CD (Blue on White/Coach Dog)[8] Bagley TKO 74G (Blue on White/Glitter)[8] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 77 (Blue on Blue)[2] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 77T (Blue on Blue/Tiger Stripes)[3] Bagley Balsa B 3 709 (Blue Black on Chartreuse)[8] Bagley DB3 79 (Blue on Chartreuse)[8] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 79G2 (Blue/Chartreuse on Gold/Orange Belly)[8] Bagley DB3 79CD (Blue/Chartreuse Orange Coach Dog)[8] Bagley Bang O Lure 8C (Purple on Silver Chrome)[8] Bagley Deep Pro 3 8R (Black/Blue on Copper Foil)[9] Bagley DB3 804 (Purple/Black on White{Bandit})[7] Bagley Select Line W4 834 (Purple on Yellow/Orange Belly)[7] Bagley DB3 84G (Purple on White{Easter Egg})[8] Bagley Deep Diving Killer B 2 88 (Purple on Purple)[3] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 88T (Purple on Purple/Tiger Stripes)[3] Bagley DB3 9 (Chartreuse}[10] Bagley Submarine Shad 9 (Fire Yellow)[?] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 9C (Chartreuse on Chrome)[9] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 9C4 (Chartreuse/Crayfish on White)[7] Bagley DB3 9GD9 (Chartreuse on Gold Chrome/Black Dots)[8] Bagley Ripple B 9G9 (Chartreuse on Gold Chrome/Chartreuse Belly)[8] Bagley Slo Dancer 9P (Chartreuse on Pink)[10] Bagley DB3 9SD9 (Chartreuse on Silver Chrome/Dots/Chartreuse)[7] Bagley Diving Bang-O-B 9S9 (Chartreuse on Silver Chrome/Chartreuse Belly)[7] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 94 (Chartreuse on White)[7] Bagley EZ 94 (Chartreuse on White/Red Eye Variation)[?] Bagley Tall Walker 94G (Fire Yellow on Pearl/Glitter)[9] Bagley Spin'R Shad 94SF (Chartreuse/Silver Foil/White Belly)[9] Bagley DB3 94T (Chartreuse on White/Tiger Stripes)[9] Bagley DB3 97OT (Blue on Chartreuse Tiger/Orange Belly)[8] Bagley Diving Killer B 2 98OT (Purple on Chartreuse Tiger/Orange Throat)[9]
A-E       F-H       I-T       U-Z       0-9       Special Order & Undocumented

   Caution!!! The rarity ratings associated with this color chart are not an exact science. You should use them as a relative guide only. The rarity rating on Pistachio is only 3, largely because so many Fat Cats, Mama Cat's and others were made in that color. There were far less DB3s made in Pistachio, which would make the rating more like an 8 on that particular model. Desirability is also a major factor in determining a lure's value. A lot of people collect Rainbow Trouts, so you will find yourself paying more for lures in that color than you would for most lures with a rarity rating of only 2.