With well over 700 colors created, a popular form of Bagley collecting is by putting together as many of the dozens of different models as you can find in the same color, or color family. Common colors like TS (Tennessee Shad), H69T (Hot Tiger), and LB4 (Little Bass on White) are favored collector colors because so many models were made in them. However, tough colors like 74G (Blue on White/Glitter) can be fun for the opposite reason in that it would be easier to get 90% of the models manufactured fairly quickly.
Check this page often as I plan to update it every few weeks with collections of the hundreds of other beautiful Bagley lure colors! I would like to add a mature Parrot collection ASAP.

Diving Kill'R B 2 Parrot
Hot Tiger Collection
The Hot Tiger (H69T) is one of the most popular Bagley colors of all time. Once the sun is fully up, visibilty is one of the most important factors in getting a bass to hit your lure. It's pretty obvious why there were so many lures sold in this color.
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Crayfish on Natural Balsa Collection
This Crayfish on Natural Balsa Collection has been assembled by former Bassmaster touring pro Bob Lane who has always been an avid Bagley collector. This is one of several collections Bob has put together for his lucky grandkids.
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Baby Bass Collection
The (LB4) Little Bass on White, or as it's often called, Baby Bass, has always been one of my favorite colors and patterns. This was also a poplular color with other lure companies including Poe's and Rebel.
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Tennessee Shad Collection
Vernon Mclain grew up fishing the river systems and oxbow lakes of Northeast Louisiana. These included Lake Bruin, Yucatán, Lake Concordia, and Old River. On these bodies of water Bagley Balsa B's were KING in the Tennessee Shad color! Like many of us, Vernon's love for everything Bagley began to turn into a collecting obsession. At some point he decided to focus on just a few models and colors, with Tennessee Shad, and all of it's many variations, toping that list. As you can see, he's put together what is very likely the largest Bagley color collection ever assembled.
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All Brass PAR Collection
This is one of the most complete all brass PAR (Parrot) collections I've ever seen! There looks to be only a regular bib BB2 and BB3 missing from this set.
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The copyright in this website and the material on this website including without limitation the text, computer code, artwork, photographs, and images is owned by Mike Metzler and thecolorsofbagleys.com..